Taishou Yakyuu Musume – The Power of Pure Pedigree Propulsion

Taishou Yakyuu Musume has one of the best starts to a first episode ever. This leads into a charming slice-of-life anime with excellent direction, pretty art and animation, a very soothing soundtrack, and an interesting premise (girl’s baseball in 1920s Japan). The episode is what one might call ‘very good.’ However, it is also what one might call ‘very goddamn boring.’ — HOWEVER, when I did a little research to decide if I should drop the show, I found myself so dumbstruck by the show’s insane pedigree that I honestly just couldn’t bring myself not to continue.

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Yoku Wakaru Gendai Mahou 1-5 – Well, it's uh…. Definitely….. Something. Yeah. (OR: Let All The World Be Turned to Washbuckets)

Yoku Wakaru Gendai Mahou is the kind of show I would have ordinarily dropped before I probably would have even finished the first episode, and while I can’t say I regret watching the first 5 episodes, I also can’t exactly give you an inspirational reason to do the same. YokuWaka does a couple of things to try and set itself apart, but it’s inherent average-ness just makes those minute uniquenesses….. confounding.

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All You Need is Kill Review – Wartime Fun With the Full Metal Bitch

Yoshitoshi ABe cover FTW!

Yoshitoshi ABe cover FTW!

I wish I could say a whole lot about All You Need is Kill, but being as it’s a very brief and straightforward story, I can’t get too much into the plot without spoiling, so your best bet in learning just what this story is about exactly is to read it. I read slowly, and it took me less than 4 hours, so it’s a good plow-through, but with more than enough re-readability to be worth owning. Hopefully I can sell you on that in this review.

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Watch Geijutsuka Art Design Class, Talk About It, and Get it Subbed Faster (OR: GA – Hidamari Sketch Turned Up to Eleven and Played in Fast-Forward)

Much like Hidamari Sketch upon it’s initial airing, GA is not being talked about by virtually anyone, and therefor it can be assumed isn’t being watched by virtually anyone (it’s not even in Nano‘s tag cloud), which is why I’m going to step up and cram it down your goddamn throats.

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Everybody Gets One – Anime's Personal Rage Machines

If I was given the right, I would love nothing more than to burn studio Bee Train to the fucking ground. I would grab the CEO by the collar and punch him in the fucking face, I would bitchslap the animators, cockslap the directors, and cut the throats of the storyboarders. I would laugh with joy as the building crumbled to ash, and then I would piss on the ground where it stood. If given the right, of course.

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Six Till Three-Hundred – Have You Been Counting Your Anime Milestones?

Ninja Scroll - Babys First Anime

Ninja Scroll - Baby's First Anime

If the number is divisible by five, and especially it it’s divisible by one-hundred, then chances are it will bring up some kind of significance in your mind. Your top five, ten, or twenty shows. Your 500th or 100,000th hit. All will feel somehow special. As an anime fan, I’ve never done much thinking about the totals of anime I’ve seen, since they never add up to significant or convenient numbers. However, on MAL, I have been told that I am 6 shows away from completing a total of 300 shows (out of the 630 I’ve seen any of, LOL.) Since I saw it, I felt I should do something special.

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How to Watch Ranma 1/2 and Minimize on Crappy Episodes (Min: 60 Max: 137)

In a show as long as Ranma 1/2, completionism is often a mindset that leads to failure. As much as you may want to see all the good that the show has to offer, it may not be worth plowing through the bad, epecially with a show this long. Luckily, Ranma 1/2 is almost entirely episodic, so it’s easy to simply skip over the bad episodes. I have created this guide to help you get through all of the good episodes of Ranma. If you still feel like you have to see all of it despite the fact that you will never get around to it, simply follow my guide and say that you’ll watch all of the episodes you skipped ‘later.’

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My Top 20 Episodes of Ranma 1/2

A post in the Epic Journey.

For a list of all the Ranma episodes worth watching, click here: http://fuzakenna.com/2009/08/06/how-to-watch-ranma-12-and-minimize-on-crappy-episodes-min-60-max-137/

After two and a half weeks of nonstop marathoning, I finally finished Ranma 1/2!!! I honestly can’t even remember what life was like before I started Ranma. It feels like I’ve been watching it forever. Before Ranma, I had never watched more than 60 episodes of the same show, and I made the enormous leap into watching 161 episodes of Ranma. I have about a quarter of a million posts that I want to do for Ranma, including a review that will come soon. However, to be sure that that review doesn’t exceed 8,000 words (it will) I want to get out some of the stuff about this show from my system. So let’s begin!

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Calling All Artists! Please Draw Me a Banner Image!

The recent fanart debate reminded me of my long-standing desire to fill my site with original artwork. However, I can’t draw worth a half of a shit. I don’t mind trying to draw some of the site’s imagery, but for my banner image, I’d like it to be done by someone with talent. So, if you have that, please help me out!

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