Even More Awesome EDs, ~2011 Edition

More EDs! These ones missed the first list for one or more of these reasons: I forgot about them; I didn’t want to include two from the same show; I counted it as not awesome enough because I was being a lazy dick; I haven’t actually seen the anime it comes from but know the ED by reputation.

TO MAKE THIS LIST, if I can actually think of how the song or video goes, it’s got a good bet.

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How Might Code Geass Be a Spiritual Sequel to S-Cry-Ed and Infinite Ryvius? Taniguchi Goro Interview Transcribed!

I’ve made numerous references in the past to a certain Taniguchi Goro interview from an Animerica magazine back in 2003 (the magazine is now long discontinued) and it would be easier to have it easily on-hand. It’s a highly informative article in a number of ways, but especially in how it links together Infinite Ryvius and s-CRY-ed, and gives food for thought about how Code Geass could be third in the series of spiritual sequels, so I really wanted to share it with anyone who might enjoy it. Plus, it will let you look even closer at s-CRY-ed than you probably imagined, and give you more insight to Goro’s brilliance!

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200 (+) Anime Worth Taking With Us Into the Next Decade

100 Characters For 100 Otaku (Part Eleven: 50-46)

The eleventh post in “100 Characters For 100 Otaku.”

We are now over halfway through “100 Characters For 100 Otaku!!!” The crazy idea has come to life! I’m sure you’ve noticed after yesterday’s bunch that we’re really getting into the heart of my favorite characters!  I’m still getting more and more passionate about my subjects as we go! Now, let’s dive in to 50 through 46!

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Scryed and PaniPoni Dash After Several Years – No Internet? FUZAKENNA!!!!!!

I lost internet on Friday thanks to freak router accident. To give you an idea of how devastating it was, this was when my mom had just got a new computer, my younger brother’s laptop had just come back from over a month of repairs, and we all had just gotten on Spring Break. Plus I was finally following the current season. This is pretty normal for our family – we have extraordinarily back luck in these situations. I’ve been leaching weak-ass local connections in the meantime, occasionally getting little bursts of internet, like now, but I get my real internet back anywhere between this afternoon and Thursday. I would have waited and done a longer post, but I’m in a marathoning duplex and wanted to get some things off of my chest. I’ll be brief.

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Favorite Anime Universes

In the world of American comics, fantasy, and sci-fi, most of the big stuff consists of assloads of stories set in one central universe. Marvel, DC, Star Wars, Warcraft – stuff like this has a big universe of works that fans can devote themselves to. Anime has it’s fair share of universes as well, ranging from immensely huge and decade-crossing, some of a great size that are relevant only to otaku, and many smaller universes lying around.

Standing high above anything else are the big guns like the Gundam Universe(s), the Macross Universe, the Leijiverse, the Pokemon Universe and so on. Then we have some universes that are less universally known but still enormous, especially for otaku. The Type-Moon Universe is certainly up there, but for sheer unbridled scope, the Touhou Universe stands above everything. I want to talk about my own favorite universes, most of which are a little smaller and more homely but still large enough that they should be called a universe and popular enough for a strong cult following. (NOTE: Please don’t comment in regards to what should or shouldn’t be called a universe or metaseries, I’m just trying to make a post.)

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You're Already Dead – OH! Repost 4

Because Oi, Hayaku has gone defunct, I will be reposting all my OH! posts here. Enjoy if you haven’t already.

<i>The OH! team is doing a series of mini-posts in which each member explores the most important lesson anime has taught them.</i>